I think that not are many place where the people can learn about enviromentally friendly practices. May be for that in this country is not common practices the enviroment care. The goberment has been campaigns about the energy care, in response the energy emergency, but I think the best place for learn about enviromentally practices is in the school. Since we were kids it´s should we teach about the importance of envioremnt care, and how we can improve the envioroment.
In my case I have to recognize I don´t have incorported recycling into my habits, and no one practice to care the enviromental, even the smallest actions I´m neglected, allways I have the Tv turn on, and plug connected.
May be the only practice that I do to care the enviroment is use my legs or the public tranport instead of a car. I think should be a campaigns who incite the use the public tranport for the people can transported they works or school. That would serve to clean the pullution above all on winter.
I don´t know if I joined any eco-organisarions, because I think for one joined any organisations means so much commitment, and I preffer to compromise with other kind of organisations in this moment. But I supported a cause ecological, for example the moviment of "Patagonia sin represas", both the enviroment cause and for too the repulse of the economic interest that been behind of the construction the dams in this territory.
It´s a thing I allways would I like to do, is recycling the garbage in the condominium I live. With my parents we have the idea of painting the trash cans and throw the trash according they origins. But never we take the time for realize the idea, and incite the neighbor who also recycle.
Like I say we city (Santiago)missing regarding this issue, improve the pullution through campaigns to incite the people use your legs or public transport, that help to reducing the respiratorys ills on winter.