I´ve allways liked books. I remember I asked to my mom read me when I not yet learned to read.Now I have the pride of having my own library, with sociology books mainly. I think that I most loved of the books is your smell, especially the old books, those brown paper, I imagine these books kepp the smell of the years and people who readed.
I don´t remeber what was my first book I readed.But I remember the first book I enjoyed readed, really was two book: "La Porota" and "Mi abuelita Opalina". When I was 10 years allways I sought book in my house for read. The problem with that is I found books I did understended, and then I hated it, like "Paula" by Isabel Allende.
My favorite novel is "Crimen y Castigo" by Fiódor Dostoievski, I readed when I was in high school. The thing I most liked tahat books was its realism, and psychological frame. Also among my favorite novels is "100 años de soledad" and "La ciudad y los perros"
Now is sociologic topis is about the more I read. My favorite author is Karl Marx, Gramsci and Carlos Larraín. And although I don´t have many time for read novels, allways I try in my free time read something different to sociology. Now in my short time free I read "Sobre heroes y tumbas" by Sabato, although read slowly, I loved this books.
I like a lot "La ciudad y los perros" too. I think that Mario Vargas Llosa is a great author.