This is a summary of a newspaper article that shown in "guardian.co.uk", written by Tehmina Kazi (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2012/jan/13/redefining-islam-for-21st-century)
In UK has been experiencing a surge of protests and demands for changing the situation of domination of the Muslims women. And the author of this article is agree with this situation, is mean, it´s must dismantling the status quo about of muslims.
The demands are discussing about the right of muslims women to have leadership positions and be full participants in all congregational activities. This Muslim activists, has been a fast growth and have been extended beyond the private sphere. But this has led to threats from extremists, for example the case of Kalsoom Bashir, who was threatened after the "The Guardian" published about her struggle for women's empowerment.
The striking about this movement is a level of organisation and your collaboration with diverse groups. Herewith as been publicated a new publication by Muslim Institute's about Critical Muslim, who would be a new step for organised critical thought relating to Islam and Muslims. The member of Muslim Institute's are conscious abot the problems who Muslims must face in the 21st-century. This problems are related with dissatisfaction with the lack of nuance and insight in traditional religious leaders' responses.
Other characters of the critical Muslim movement it is able to take control of your own destiny without allowing external forces to dictate the terms. A example for this is a Facebook event called Happy "Happy Christmas 4ALL", which was organized for muslims frustration of seeing they have prohibited the celebration of Christmas.
Around the world are producing similar phenomena, it is amazing how traditions are falling now, globalization reaches everyone.
ResponderEliminarInteresting problematic!
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